UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)

ISSN: 2349-5162 | ESTD Year : 2014
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Volume 11 | Issue 5 | May 2024

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Volume 10 Issue 4
eISSN: 2349-5162

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Mindfulness And happiness At The Workplace: Challenges, And Opportunities



Mindfulness and Happiness at workplace -challenges and opportunities In this fast-moving and competitive environment, organizations leading from the front to create an ambiance of happiness, engagement, and ownership are the most successful organizations. Efficiency and productivity at the workplace play an important role in overall growth on a sustainable basis. These are indirectly proportional to the happiness and mindfulness of the people involved in the production and process but directly related to the happiness and satisfaction of a job well accomplished for a leader. Efficient and mindful leadership channelize things in proper order to bridge the gap. Impregnating the minds of the workforce for the transformation of the workplace as a place of worship is the approach of mindful leaders. Mindful leadership is the perfect combination of strategists and coaches who focus on building a team to win the game, focus more on driving people, understanding their feeling, and the ability to extract the best out of individuals. A leader’s role is to lead by example and emotionally connect, challenging the employees to think and act. Happiness at the workplace is the outcome and to reach the destination mindfulness is the route. Happiness encourages creativity. Happy employees have better analytical abilities, are better at handling adversity, and can be trusted as a part of a branding strategy. The Mindfulness of a leader is the instrument that makes things happen. The pyramid's apex is happiness, the visible and open faces indicate mindfulness, and the base is not quite visible but holds every activity together representing mindful leadership. Mindfulness is the determination of aligning all resources to meet the organization's goals. It’s like internalizing the company vision and mission, owning it, and making work your religion, making it the purpose of your life. Employees who practice being mindful are more likely to show greater acceptance of colleagues without reactivity and enhance positive interpersonal relationships. Mindfulness requires people to accept all thoughts and situations as they come. It does not imply agreement, but it requires nonjudgmental acceptance. Accepting situations can promote change and adaptation. Being mindful at the workplace involves paying attention to what is going on around you and what is going on for you internally, being mindful involves being consciously present in the task you are doing. The leader’s focus is to encourage mindfulness at work. He must lead by example and encourage people to think big. Appreciate seemingly minor events. Lead with emotional connection. Mindful leaders have a high level of self-understanding and are not scared to have an open mind and an open heart. Mindful leaders possess a strength of character that enables them to make sound ethical decisions Many people may be resistant to the idea of mindfulness due to their perceptions of it. As a leader, you can help change how your employees view mindfulness so that they may be more willing to try it. It’s not always that the leader has a free hand and is at liberty to make things happen in his own way. the real challenge he faces in the form of a ‘clash of values’, bound by regulations and most importantly calculated risk factors that makes the leader most vulnerable. A study of two different organizations was done based on the available resources, and prevailing external and the internal environment with a focus on mindfulness, and how leadership, brought transformation in the organization. The first one is an Alloy steel plant that was shut down for quite some time for making losses for years together. With a focused approach how from the clutches of negativity positivity could be drawn and how a mindful leader could channel the resources and make the team members realize their own potential. Mindful leadership could bring the alloy steel-making unit to a breakeven level in February 2015. The other unit is always a vibrant organization making profits on a sustainable basis. Not on the expected lines, somehow things were stalled in 2016, and heavy investments put into expansion projects were not seeing the light of day. Delayed technical and financial decisions and demoralized team spirit resulted in a nosedive in the profitability of the organization. Yet again mindful leadership challenged the team members to think and act and lead with emotional connections. Quick results could be envisaged, and the organization was brought back on track within one and a half year time.

Key Words

Mindfulness , Efficiency , Leadership , Productivity, Workplace , Challenge , Opportunities.

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"Mindfulness And happiness At The Workplace: Challenges, And Opportunities", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (, ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.10, Issue 4, page no.f617-f633, April-2023, Available :


2349-5162 | Impact Factor 7.95 Calculate by Google Scholar

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"Mindfulness And happiness At The Workplace: Challenges, And Opportunities", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ( | UGC and issn Approved), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.10, Issue 4, page no. ppf617-f633, April-2023, Available at :

Publication Details

Published Paper ID: JETIR2304977
Registration ID: 513641
Published In: Volume 10 | Issue 4 | Year April-2023
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: f617-f633
Country: BHOPAL, Madhya Pradesh, India .
Area: Management
ISSN Number: 2349-5162
Publisher: IJ Publication

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